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Saturday 9 May 2009

More on Python and a bit on Objective C

I can't quite put my finger on it, possibly because I've not used ObjC in anger yet, but it seems to have a similar ethos to Python. I'm probably going to ignore ObjC for a while longer, but I may dabble with PyObjC instead. Learn some Cocoa through the increasingly familiar Python, then apply that knowledge to an ObjC project.

What I love about Python so far is that just trying things seems to usually just work. It's a language that does what you want it to. It's a little dangerous, because so much is checked and can be manipulated at runtime. It's the least nanny-ish language I've come across, trusting the programmer to do the right thing and allowing the programmer to break convention when it is appropriate. It's counter-intuitive, perhaps, but the responsibility given to the programmer seems to lead to responsible programming. Treat me like an adult and I will behave like an adult kind of thing.

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