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Thursday, 30 December 2010

Elton John

The first I heard of Elton John having a child was when I read that the BBC had sought the opinion of the despicable Stephen Green on the news. Stephen Green is, in my unqualified opinion, delusional bordering on insane.

It's not (just) because I'm an atheist and he's religious. Some of my best acquaintances are religious. It's because he's a hateful biblical literalist, a Leviticus believing religious nutjob.

My opinion on gay sex, gay marriage, gay adoption, gay surrogacy, gay parents and gay elderly parents is that it's not really any of my business.

It's worth remembering, before judging these new parents, that children are born to terrible parents, to elderly fathers, to cuckolded husbands, into loveless marriages etc, all the time. No licence is required, no exam needs to be passed. The same applies here.

The objections are simply about homophobia, about man-on-man action, not about parenting. Usually, when sex is discussed, I'd say it's OK as long as it's consensual. The ambivalent and those supporting Elton don't see it as being about sex though, and so it's not about consent. Children do not give consent to their parents. Children do not choose their parents.

I'm not a fan, incidentally. If anything will make me turn the radio off, it's Elton bloody John.

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