I'm currently working in Switzerland, commuting weekly, flying out on Monday morning and back on Friday afternoon. Last weekend, my colleague Charles and I elected to stay for the weekend. It meant an additional day of work by not losing Friday afternoon and Monday morning travelling.
We took Saturday off to explore Milan a little, worked on Sunday morning at the client's office, and then had an afternoon on the terrace with cheese, ham, bread an beer for lunch. We had a problem sharing the ADSL, but I wanted to do a little more work on a test tool, so Charles surfed, and I worked.
We took a break to use the hotel pools for an hour or so. I had the chilly outdoor pool to myself. Charles had the heated indoor pool to himself. Then we drove into through Lugano, out around and back through Paradiso and back to the lake. We ate at a chain restaurant, The Spaghetti Store. It's not as nice as the restaurants in the surrounding villages, but it's right by the lake, and it was a warm clear night.
When we got back to the hotel, there were beers left if the fridge, so we repaired once more to the terrace. We tried open unencrypted sharing of the ADSL via WiFi, which worked. Charles surfed and I surfed a little but mostly continued to work on the test tool. I had neglected to plug in my power supply, but finished what I wanted to to do with 10% battery left. Charles was still surfing, but was reliant on my Wifi. I decided not to plug into the power, it was an opportunity to run the battery completely flat. I caught up with a few RSS feeds and gave Charles a countdown on the power situation. I think it finally died at 1:30am.
So here I am, coding, at night, not in a cubicle (or equivalent). It was pretty sweet:
And yes. It was Python.