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Tuesday, 29 October 2013

Mavericks "Mail Web Content" going to 100% CPU

If your fans are a blowin', check Activity Monitor/CPU (sorted by descending % CPU). You may see 'Mail Web Content' at the top, hogging 100%.  I've also seen two instances hogging 100% each.

Bouncing Mail doesn't always do the trick.  I've had some success with just killing the process, but YMMV.

I couldn't find any info on it from a quick Google.

My hypothesis is that it's HTML Mail rendering that's got it's knickers in a twist. When the process had been quit, the mesage I was reading was blank, but selecting another one and then coming back to the blank one ... it was rendered, and it was and HTML page.

Dunno if that helps anyone.  Maybe it's enough to know you're not alone ?